How to Have an Amicable Divorce

Divorces are never pleasant experiences and are typically filled with conflicting and overwhelming emotions. The Centers for Disease Control reports that one-fifth of first marriages will end in divorce in the first 5 years. If you are going through the process of a divorce or considering a divorce, making the decision to have a more amicable divorce can relieve a lot of stress and remove a great deal of adversarial conflict. Consider the suggestions and tools listed below to have a more amicable and peaceful divorce process.
Take Care Of Yourself
Everyone knows the saying “put the oxygen mask on yourself first.” In the case of a divorce, it is vital that you take the time for self-care, and make sure you address your feelings of frustration, fear, anxiety, grief, and anger. Consider visiting with a therapist or spiritual counselor to give you the tools you need to be more emotionally and mentally strong to make the divorce process easier for you. This is a challenging time, and taking care of yourself will help you make better decisions for you, and your family.
The last thing you may want to do is have open and honest communication with your soon to be ex-spouse. However, if you have children, then you will likely have to interact with this person for a number of years into the future. Issues such as child support and child custody do not resolve themselves immediately after a divorce. Instead of viewing the divorce as a one-time battle you need to fight, look at it as the beginning of a process where you can negotiate and both sides will get a bit of what they want. In the end, your children are the most important and their mental, emotional and physical health should be paramount. The American College of Pediatrics reports that parents who place their child’s needs above their own in a divorce have a better chance of establishing a healthy environment for their children with minimal disruption. Communicating your wishes in a kind way can set a precedent for all future discussions as your children grow. Consider only using text or emails if verbal conversations become too heated, but never use your children to relate messages or information. How you handle the communication with your spouse during this time will set a foundation and precedent for how communication will be from the divorce forward.
If you believe that you and your spouse can agree to resolve many of the larger issues in a divorce, you may want to consider the mediation process. A mediator will help you find common ground and resolve issues such as child custody, child support and division of property in such a way that both spouses will get some of what they want. The mediation process is a neutral environment that can help alleviate and reduce the amount of adversarial conflict between spouses.
Let Us Help You Today
While you may be in an adversarial position during your divorce, always treat your spouse with respect and dignity, and refuse to place blame. Creating an air of peace and operating with good faith can help give both sides a healthy perspective and the possibility of an amicable divorce. If you are considering a divorce, contact an experienced Atlanta divorce attorney at The Solomon Firm at 404-565-0641 today for a free consultation.